Book paths to follow in 2025
Book Paths 2025
For 2025, we want to plan in advance the books that we will be reading. We have selected a few paths that we want to follow and we will be reading books that are related to these paths.
You can join all the paths or just pick up whatever book you like each quarter. It's totally up to you.
IC Leadership Path
If you are not interested to jump into a manager role and you want to stay technical, this path is for you.
Impact Players by Liz Wiseman
The Staff Engineer's Path by Tanya Reilly
Backend Engineer Path
Those books will cover the most read books for backend engineers. Heavily focused on distributed systems and databases.
Understanding Distributed Systems by Roberto Vitillo
Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
Architecture Modernization by Nick Tune
Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin
Manager Path
You are a manager or you want to become a manager. These books will help you to become a better manager.
The Manager Path by Camille Fournier
Escaping the Build Trap by Melissa Perri
Radical Candor by Kim Malone Scott
The Performance Pipeline by Stephen Drotter
AI Engineer Path
This completely new field, where you are not an Machine Learning Engineer, but you are building AI solutions. We will cover how you can become an AI Engineer.
Hands-on Large Language Model
Community Path
The Community path is a path that is decided by community members. Members suggest books and vote for the books that they want to read.
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