These are our rules and guidelines for participating in our community

Community Guidelines
Everything you need to get started on the Engineering Book Club.
Read our Code Of Conduct
Accept the terms and conditions proposed there. This is the most important thing for being part of our community.
Get familiar with the platform
Navigate through the main menu and discover how the information is organized. You will find the following sections:
The Club
Say Hello: Introduce yourself to the community and discover the talented people who are already in the club. General discussions: We post topics or articles weekly to debate and learn from. Community Online events: This is where the magic happens, and we all go together for a coffee chat on a Zoom call to discuss and debate about books and other topics. Book Proposals: The place where you can suggest books to read. If you liked it or because you want to find people who want to read it with you. Books: This is where you will find the bookshelf with all the books that we have read together.